Free Resources

10 Little Known Factors That Could Affect Your Team’s Mental Health


But you do deserve practical direction on what to do about it.‍ In this 18-page guide, I give you 10 practical steps you can immediately implement to boost your team’s morale.

To download the free 18-page guide, enter your name and email address.

Comforting Concepts will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and provide updates and marketing. You can change your mind at any time by the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting

Scared to Speak Up: 4 Common fears Why Team Members are Disengaged


Does your remote team show signs of low participation?

It may not be shyness. The reality is they may be scared to speak up. They don’t participate in meetings because they’re afraid, “If I open my mouth, am I going to make a blunder?”

In this 9-page guide, I give you insight into the 4 Common Fears Why Team Members are Disengaged.

I also offer you the practical tools and technique you can teach your team members to overcome the fears of speaking up.

To download the free 9-page guide, enter your name and email address.

Comforting Concepts will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and provide updates and marketing. You can change your mind at any time by the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting

These are other Productivity Tools I suggest for clients to boost their concentration and productivity.

Some are free, and some are paid resources. Many clients find these tools and resources to boost their focus, habits, and productivity – both individually and collectively as a team.

The Pomodoro Timer

If your staff finds it difficult to focus on a task, the Pomodoro technique can help them focus better. Working in 25-minute increments and 5-minute breaks, your staff can break down large projects into small sprints of work. The result can turn into a more efficient workday for your team and company.


Sleep at the push of a button! Get the world’s most advanced sleep and power nap system to fall asleep fast, stay asleep, and wake up feeling refreshed.


“Digipills” are audio recordings optimized to boost creativity, motivation, discipline, and productivity.


In the overwhelming options of meditation apps, I prefer and recommend Headspace. If you’re looking for a free alternative, I recommend Insight Timer.

Comfort Talk®

“Comfort Talk® is an innovative, research based, drug-free method for front line providers to reduce patient pain and anxiety from the waiting room to the exam table, while improving patient satisfaction, operational efficiency and staff resilience.”

Streaks App

Once you build a good habit, how do you maintain it for a long period? The answer is creating a streak. Once you’re on a long streak of success, the thought of breaking the streak motivates you to keep going.

The World Health Organization’s Healthy Workplaces: a model for action

At the forefront of mental health in the workplace, the WHO has a free resource for employers to create a healthier workplace for their staff.

Harvard Health Publishing from Harvard Medical School

I enjoy the helpful tips and health guidance from Harvard Medical School’s online publishing resource. Best of all, it’s free.

Helping YOU To Master Your Anxiety…

Master Anxiety is focused on delivering you processes, systems, tools and techniques to Master Your Anxiety

I wrote this book hoping to give people a better understanding of anxiety before it begins to cripple their lives.